POLISH FOOD ANYTIME- DUDLEY: St. Andrew Bobola Church, 54 West Main St., continues to offer prepackaged, frozen kielbasa, golabki, kapusta/bigos and pierogi for sale. For prices or to order anytime, call the rectory at 508-943-5633.
PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION- WEBSTER: Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish holds perpetual adoration in its Blessed Sacrament Chapel, 17 E. Main St. 9 p.m.-6 a.m. scheduled adorers only (door is locked). Contact Jeanne Guerin 508-208-9064. Consider becoming a scheduled adorer or substitute.
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY- WORCESTER: St. George prayer shawl ministry group, 38 Brattle St., is inviting new members to knit and pray from home. This is an important ministry of outreach to the sick, suffering, and lonely. Call Annie Doyle for information, 508-450-4134.
ESL CLASSES-GARDNER: Annunciation Parish, is offering free English as a Second Language classes Fridays, in the parish center, 142 Regan St., 7-8:30 p.m. For information or to enroll contact Otto Bolanos at 787-435-4790.
ESL CLASSES- WORCESTER: St. Bernard Church, 228 Lincoln St., conducts English as a Second Language classes twice a year on Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call Monde with questions, 508-425-9254.
CAN & BOTTLE DRIVE- WORCESTER: The St. Bernard’s KofC conducts an ongoing can and bottle drive to support the after-school program. Cleaned redeemables can be left in the specified box at the entrance of the church, 228 Lincoln St.