POLISH FOOD ANYTIME- DUDLEY: St. Andrew Bobola Church, 54 West Main St., continues to offer prepackaged, frozen kielbasa, golabki, kapusta/bigos and pierogi for sale. For prices or to order anytime, call the rectory at 508-943-5633.
PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION- WEBSTER: Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish holds perpetual adoration in its Blessed Sacrament Chapel, 17 E. Main St. 9 p.m.-6 a.m. scheduled adorers only (door is locked). Contact Jeanne Guerin 508-208-9064. Consider becoming a scheduled adorer or substitute.
ESL CLASSES-GARDNER: Annunciation Parish, is offering free English as a Second Language classes Fridays, in the parish center, 142 Regan St., 7-8:30 p.m. For information or to enroll contact Otto Bolanos at 787-435-4790.
ESL CLASSES- WORCESTER: St. Bernard Church, 228 Lincoln St., conducts English as a Second Language classes twice a year on Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call Monde with questions, 508-425-9254.
CAN & BOTTLE DRIVE- WORCESTER: The St. Bernard’s KofC conducts an ongoing can and bottle drive to support the after-school program. Cleaned redeemables can be left in the specified box at the entrance of the church, 228 Lincoln St.