On Christmas Eve, Pope Francis will open and enter the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica to celebrate Christmas Mass and begin a Jubilee Year.
A Jubilee Year is a special time of remission of sin and punishment due to sin. It involves pilgrimages, prayer, and works of mercy and penance. Jubilee Years awaken in us a profound awareness of the depth of God’s love, mercy and solicitude for each one of us. That deepened awareness leads to a greater hope of sharing in the glory of God (Romans 5:2).
At Christmas, the glory of God briefly shone down on quaking shepherds tending their flocks as angels announced good news of great joy: God’s Eternal Son was born of the Virgin Mary. Through the Holy Spirit, He took on our lowly humanity that we might forever share in the glory of His divinity. As Jesus was fully God and fully man, no one can claim that God is distant from us, or unaware of our trials. He walked among us and died for us. He is that close. He cares that much. This gives us hope throughout life and in every circumstance of life. Pope Francis has called us “Pilgrims of Hope” as the theme for this year’s Jubilee. It is a hope that will not disappoint because it is based in Jesus Christ who is the Eternal Word of God made flesh.
The New Year 2025 is not only a Jubilee Year, but an anniversary year. It is the 1900th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, which defined the dogma of the divinity of Jesus Christ as true God and true man. It is also the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the Diocese of Worcester, for which we give thanks. 2025 will be a year full of opportunities for grace, hope and joy. They all stem from the Son of God and Son of Mary who was born in Bethlehem. I pray that you and your loved ones will have a blessed Christmas and that the observances and celebrations of 2025 will prolong those joys, deepen your faith and strengthen your hope.
With every prayerful best wish for a Merry Christmas, I remain
Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Robert J. McManus, S.T.D. Bishop of Worcester